Many people use granadilla
and passion fruit interchangeably; yet, these fruits are quite different. The
most noticeable difference is this: if its gelatinous pulp is gray, the fruit
is a granadilla. If the pulp is yellow, it’s passion fruit.
Origin Passion Fruit and Granadilla
passion fruits are native to Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Yellow varieties
are speculated to originate in the Amazon, though Australia is another
contender: As explained in the book, “The Encyclopedia of Nuts and Fruit,” the
yellow cultivar may have grown there as a mutant form of Passiflora edulis. Granadilla’s precise origin is unknown or
debatable. Botanists agree, however, that it’s native to Mexico, Central
America and the western regions of South America.
to the book, “Systematics of Fruit Crops,” passion fruits spread to Europe and
Southern Asia by the 19th century. In 1880, Hawaii received the
fruit by way of Australia.
figures published by ITI Tropocales show that Brazil produces over half of the
world’s passion fruits, followed by Ecuador and Colombia. Other main passion
fruit producing countries include Peru, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa,
and Hawaii.
Availability of Granadilla and
Passion Fruit in India
Though purple passion
fruit grew in the Nilgiri hills and in the north of India for over a century,
yellow varieties are much newer. These fruits came to South India’s lower
elevations in Tamil Nadu and Kerala shortly after their arrival to Sri Lanka.
Purple varieties grow
better at higher elevations, whereas yellow passion fruit adapts better to
lower elevations. The regions of India cultivating purple passion fruits are
Meghalaya, Manipur, Sikkim, Mizoram, and Nagaland. Yellow passion fruits grow along
the Western Ghats, including Nilgiris, Wynad, Kodaikanal, Shevroys, Coorg, and
According to the book,
“Fruit Crops: Horticulture Science Series,” passion fruit harvesting occurs
during mid-summer; a second, smaller harvest occurs during winter. Granadillas
hit the market in the South during late September.
Where to find Granadilla and Passion
Fruit in India
Passion fruits appear
regularly in most stores during the season. They’re seldom a small shop fruit, but
mid-size to large chains will carry passion fruit if available. In the south,
sweet granadillas appear with greater frequency than either color passion
As an industry, neither
granadillas nor passion fruits receive much attention. Farmers remain
fragmented across the country’s various growing districts, and little has been
done to promote transportation and marketing ventures. However, some efforts
have been undertaken to develop superior varieties—at the country’s Pineapple
Research Station, for example, over 50 types of passion fruits have been
collected from the southern states.
Checking for Ripeness in Granadilla
and Passion Fruit
The ripeness of
granadilla and passion fruit cannot always be gauged based on the appearance of
their skin: brown spots and marks covering its golden orange exterior is
perfectly acceptable.
The skin of a granadilla
should, however, be smooth and free of dents and cracks. Its shell is much
harder than passion fruit; furthermore, whereas passion fruit’s skin wrinkles
when ripe, granadilla’s remains smooth.
Granadillas and passion
fruit resemble mangosteen when ripe: the tough exterior should give to the
touch like a malleable piece of plastic. If it’s too difficult to crack passion
fruit from applying pressure with the thumb and forefinger on both sides, it’s
not yet ripe. When opened, passion fruit’s thick, yet egg-like shell should
crack and expose the soft white pith holding the edible gooey flesh.
The gooey pulp
surrounding each seed should appear plump, translucent and juicy, not
desiccated and shriveled. As the fruit becomes overripe, the fruit loses its
moisture and the ball of pulp shrivels.
When opened, smell the
fruit: the pulp should have a floral, sweet aroma that gives an accurate
foreshadow of its taste. Indeed, the passion fruit’s fresh, clean, tropical
fruity smell is the perfect template for shampoo producers.
Taste of Granadilla and Passion
The gooey, slimy membrane
surrounding the crunchy, edible seeds taste significantly better than its
alien-like appearance suggests. The initial impression is a sweet, yet mellow
and non-acidic. The membrane’s juicy pulp is refreshing, bearing resemblance to
guava and melon’s mild nectar with notes of floral and vanilla.
Compared to a sweet,
mellow and pleasing granadilla, passion fruit’s membrane is sourer, sharper,
livelier and acidic. Of all of the varieties, the purple ones are purported to
be the sweetest whereas the yellow can be pungently tart. The yellow cultivars
in India, however, are reputed to be sweeter than even the purples.
Closer to the seeds, the
gelatinous goo tastes significantly sourer, saltier and slightly bitter. These
notes still complement the pulp’s initial sweetness, but add a new dimension to
the bite. The finishing touches are the seed’s crunchiness, which leaves a sour
finish to what was otherwise a sweet start. Granadilla and passion fruit share
this multifaceted, evolving taste with pomegranate.
The white spongy, cottony
pith is like an orange: perfectly edible but tasteless.
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John Ocampo |
Nutritional Value of
Granadilla/Passion Fruit
USDA’s database uses passion fruit (Passiflora
edulis) and granadilla (Passiflora
ligularis) interchangeably, as do most other resources. Thus, according to
the USDA nutrient database, 100g of edible passion fruit/granadilla contain the
following values:
Carb (8% RDI)
Fat (1% RDI)
Fiber (42% RDI)
Protein (4% RDI)
Vitamin A (25% RDI)*
Vitamin C (50% RDI)
Riboflavin (8% RDI)
Niacin (7% RDI)
Vitamin B6 (5% RDI)
Folate (3% RDI)
Iron (9% RDI)
Magnesium (7% RDI)
Phosphorous (7% RDI)
Potassium (10% RDI)
Copper (4% RDI)
granadilla’s skin doesn’t have the same yellow hue as passion fruit, granadilla
may have less vitamin A than the figure indicated.
Health Benefits of Passion
their arrival, Indians have used passion fruits in traditional medicinal
remedies. According to the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development,
locals in the Northeast boil passion fruit leaves to treat diarrhea, dysentery, diabetes, hypertension, stomach ailments, and
as a liver tonic. Europeans have taken
interest in the fruit for passion fruit’s sedative, transquilizer-like chemical, passiflorine. In Madeira, locals drink
the juice to promote digestion and
as a treatment for gastric cancer.
studies show amazing health benefits of passion fruit as well:
to the Journal of Medical Foods, flour
made from passion fruit’s edible peel was found to possess antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory
study published in Carbohydrate Polymers
indicates that compounds in passion fruit contain antitumor agents with no toxicity.
Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry published a study revealing how the polyphenols in passion fruit
act against cardiovascular diseases
--According to a study published in Nuts
and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention, the seeds in passion fruit
exhibited antifungal activity. The
study also mentioned promise in the rind’s ability to treat diabetes, colon cancer, and diseases
stemming from diverticulitis.
How to Open/Cut:
Open passion fruit by
pinching it on both sides with the thumb and forefinger. It should crack open.
Peel aside the white pith encasing the flesh, and either use a spoon to scoop
out the gelatinous part, or slurp it out.
Some choose to cut the
fruit in half with a knife—an acceptable method. Using the fingers, however,
provides the best gauge of ripeness.
If using the passion
fruit in a recipe, extricate the seeds from the pulp. Achieve this by scooping
out the flesh and putting it in a blender. No water is necessary. Pulse the
fruit lightly and for a short time,
as the goal is to keep the juice as seedless as possible. Pour the lightly
blended fruit through a sieve. Do not force the juice through the strainer—let
the juice sift on its own.
Keep granadillas and
passion fruits on the counter until ripe—they’ll keep at room temperature for
two to five days. In the refrigerator, passion fruits maintain freshness for up
to a week.
For those desiring to
enjoy the fruit long after the season has passed, freeze by scooping out the
flesh and freezing in an ice cube tray. Once frozen, place the cubes in a
plastic bag. The fruit maintain its flavor for at least 8 months.
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Vegan coconut passion fruit sorbet from Cafe Liz |
Passion Fruit and Granadilla Recipe Ideas and
The bad news: each fruit
contains very little juice. The good news: a little juice packs a walloping
flavor. If requiring plenty of juice, then choose the yellow type or
granadilla—these two yield more juice than purple passion fruit.
--Make a refreshing slushie by blending ice with any of the
fruits mentioned below and stirring in passion fruit pulp. Add alcohol if
--Add passion fruit juice
to preserves and gelatins. The
flavor pairs well with orange juice, lemon, and guava. It is possible to
preserve passion fruit with some lemon juice and sugar, though this requires
utilizing the white piths. Remove the juice and seeds, and then boil the fruit
halves for 30 minutes until soft. Blend these halves with water, and then
transfer to the stove. Simmer with lemon juice, sugar, and water.
--Make a passion fruit icing by combining passion fruit juice
with beaten powdered sugar, margarine, vanilla extract, and soymilk. Lather
this icing over citrus-based, coconutty, or vanilla-based sweet breads, cookies and cupcakes.
Passion fruit’s brightness complements warming spices, so consider adding
the juice to spiced nut loaves or gingerbread.
passion fruit pulp over pancakes,
custards, and add the juice to ice
cream batters and sorbets.
a tropical passion fruit mousse, utilizing
gelatin, sugar, and coconut milk. Drizzle with chocolate sauce.
--Include passion fruit
in raw cheesecake recipes by topping
any cake slices with frozen passion fruit juice. Remember: a little juice goes
a long way.
--Add passion fruit pulp
to vegan yogurts and use this
concoction as the topping of any tropical
fruit salad.
passion fruit juice with sparkling water
for a refreshing beverage.
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Vegan passionfruit cheesecake from |
Flavor Complements:
Guava, muskmelon, papaya,
watermelon, mango, pineapple, strawberry, banana, cherry, apricot, citrus
Herbs, spices, and oil: orange juice, lemon juice, limejuice, any tropical
fruit juice, guava puree, coconut derivatives (flakes, milk, water), club soda,
white wine, champagne, mint, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, ginger
Random Facts:
Over 400 varieties of
passion fruit exist in the world. India especially proud of its kaveri variety,
a hybrid of purple and yellow passion fruit developed in Karnataka.
Passion fruit received
its English name by Catholic priests, who named the fruit after the passion of
the Christ. According to them, the flower abounds with symbolism: the ten
petals represent the 10 apostles, the three styles for the three nails, the
five stamens symbolize the wounds, and tendrils represent the cords. Even its
colors, white and blue, symbolize purity and heaven.
Scientific Name:
Passiflora ligularis
fruit (Passiflora edulis)
Golden passion fruit
Other Names:
Passion fruit
Related Fruits:
granadilla (Passiflora quadrangularis)
I live in Venezuela where Passion Fruit is very common. Almost every day we do mainly a juice by blending three passion fruits for 1.5 or 2 lts. of water. Strain, add sugar and ice to taste. We also do a dessert based on bananas, passion fruit and condensed milk: Just cur the bananas in pieces, add trhe contents of the passion fruit and mix with condensed milk. Chill and enjoy! If it is too sweet just substitute condensed milk with yougurt.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any information on Seville Orange or Bitter Lime? I live in India.
Very good information, Its really help me. Thank you Very much. If anyone buy Passion fruit tree in India, Here is the information:
hi if you happen to be in the west, I recommend Markizza Passion fruit juice that I found on Amazon, the taste is perfect. you can also check it on
ReplyDeleteHi thankx for the information.. we are granadilla farmers in hills of munnar
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Anoop.. I am looking for a reliable supplier of Passion Fruit in bulk. Could you please suggest. Please email me to
DeleteMy name is Suraj and I am from Palakkad, Kerala
Mr.Anoop please contact me.Iam Ansari from punalur ,kollam. 9746682852
DeleteThanks.. Information is really well-researched, and presentation very professional and very complete... It was useful...
ReplyDeleteHi we require passion fruit seeds for export to european markets. If you can supply please mail me on My name is Mayur Kemkar.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePlease contact if you need fresh supply of pasion fruit.
ReplyDeletei need for passion fruits . which place in manufacture
ReplyDeleteHi iam finding Passion Fruit Puree from india please contact me by mail,
ReplyDeleteHi iam finding Passion Fruit Puree from india please contact me by mail,
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